Volunteers Needed – Park Dune Planting along Inlet

Join us for the next phase of the Civic Association project to enhance the area between the inlet and Mineola Ave Saturday, March 30th, at 9:00 am. We’re looking for volunteers to help plant Sea Grass to stabilize the new dunes and Swamp Rose to add vibrant colors. These native plants are not only beautiful but also beneficial to wildlife.

We need your help! Children are more than welcome to participate and can assist with planting. Last year, we planted ¾ of a mile of sea grass in just a few hours. It’s a great opportunity to have fun, listen to music, and experience a sense of accomplishment as you witness the results of your efforts.

Please wear your work clothes and bring gloves and shovels if you have them. We will provide water, coffee, and bagels to keep you energized.

Who: Adults and children of all ages
What: Volunteer to beautify your town
Where: Meet at the south end of Mineola Ave by the “Rev” house
When: Saturday, March 30th, at 9:00 am

As always if you have any questions, you can always reach us directly through email at info@pointlookoutcivic.org


Mar 30 2024


9:00 am


South Mineola Ave. by "Rev" House

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